martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Stand up, sit down

There once was a troll 
Who guarded a bridge 
wouldn’t let you pass 
Until you did what he said 
And His special request  went something like this 
Stand up, Turn around, sit down 
Stand up Sit Down  Stand up Turn around 
And now Sit down 
Stand up Turn around Sit Down 
But then he said you had to do it faster! 
(Then song basically repeats and gets faster each time!)

Shake and move

Terminan pronunciando el sonido tan necesario para el inglés "SH" y mueven su cuerpo reforzando el vocabulario.


Baby shark

Os dejo el vídeo/premio de los superalumnos de infantil :)

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2016



Is it the head or the leg?

It's the... 

What is it?

It's the ...



What is the color of... ? 


Is it blue or green?

It's ...


Trabajar las ROUTINES en el aula.

Canción de bienvenida. 

Days of the week.

How's the weather?